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Fabricated Metal Products

The fabricated metal product industry transforms metal into intermediate or end products. Companies in this sector use processes that machine, treat, coat, plate, paint and clean metal parts. To clean and strip metal surfaces, companies typically use solvents, acids and other toxics.

CD Aero Eliminates Use of nPB

CD Aero in New Bedford found a safer alternative cleaning process to the use of n-propyl bromide (nPB). With a new aqueous cleaning process, the company is now saving $46,000 per year, protecting health and safety and reducing its regulatory obligations. Learn more.

Umicore Electrical Materials

Umicore Electrical Materials USA Inc. in Attleboro manufactures contact materials for the electronics industry. The facility had been using a vacuum degreaser with the cleaning solvent perchloroethylene (PCE) before purchasing a new vacuum degreaser that's used with a new, safer solvent blend. Read the case study.

Riverdale Mills Reduces Use of Toxic Chemicals

Riverdale Mills of Northbridge, a manufacturer of welded wire mesh, received a TURI industry grant to reduce the use of hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide and ammonium hydroxide in their coating process. The company developed a two-part dual roller system that first removes excess water and then excess acid from the surface of the wire mesh, which prevents water getting into the acid bath and acid dragging into the rinse tanks. Read the case study. Visit the Riverdale Mills demonstration page for the recorded webinar and more details.


Lytron Reduces Trichloroethylene by 6,000 Pounds

Lytron located in Woburn received a TURI industry grant to reduce the use of TCE. In the video below, Alan Smith describes how he used TURI's laboratory testing services to evaluate the effectiveness of solutions that worked in a vacuum degreaser to remove lubricating oils from aluminum flat and fin parts. The new solution has reduced the company's TCE emissions by 6,000 pounds.