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Bathtub Refinishing

Bathtub refinishing

Methylene chloride is an effective paint stripping ingredient, however, it is extremely hazardous to workers. When used as a stripping agent in poorly ventilated spaces, methylene chloride vapors can build to high levels, causing direct harm to the central nervous system and potentially leading to asphyxiation.

In the U.S., 17 workers died between 2000 and 2015 while using methylene chloride paint stripping products to refinish bathtubs.

Bath Refinisher Switches to Safer Alternative

Outstanding Bath Refinishing, located in Milford, Massachusetts, worked with TURI to find a safer alternative. 

TURI awarded the small business a grant and provided lab assistance to successfully identify and evaluate the use of a safer, non-methylene chloride-based product for their bathtub refinishing services.

Read the case study.