September 16, 2015

Toxics Use Reduction Institute Science Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
September 16, 2015
OTA, 100 Cambridge Street, Boston, 9th Floor - OTA Conference Room
12:30 PM

Members: Robin Dodson, Larry Boise (Vice-Chair), Dave Williams (Chair), Christy Foran, Christine Rioux, Hilary Hackbart

Program Staff: Mary Butow (TURI), Tsedash Zewdie (DEP), C. Mark Smith (DEP), Heather Tenney (TURI), Rich Bizzozero (OTA), Liz Harriman (TURI), Suzi Peck (DEP), Chris Powloka (OTA – Intern)

Other attendees: Colin North (Exxon-Mobil Biomedical Sciences for ACC), Kathy Robertson (MCTA), Denise Kmetzo (Collaborative Risk Solutions), Liz Gugliotti (Irwin Engineers), Trisha McCarthy (Coyne PC for ACC), Steve Rosario (ACC)

Pre-meeting New Member Orientation
Heather reviewed a presentation providing an overview of the TURA program and the role of the SAB.

Welcome and Introductions
The board welcomed Christy Foran as a new member.

Program Updates
•    Distributed the 25th Anniversary brochure.
•    NPPR MVP2 Awards – Franklin Paint and Analog Devices
•    Continuing Education Conference – Nov. 19th
•    Circulated updates and training schedule.
•    TUR Planner course is underway and this year is being taught as blended online and in-person sessions.
•    Community and academic research grants announced.
•    Hex chrome free sealants publication; Small business grant application; and EMS workgroup hosted by TURI/Siemens information circulated.
Approve April Meeting Minutes
Motion was made to approve April meeting minutes.
Vote: 5 in favor, 1 abstention.

CERCLA Categories: Phthalate esters
    Finalize SAB Document for Delivery to DEP
Heather reviewed the recent activity on preparation of the document:
Larry and Robin drafted an executive summary, assisted by Liz. Mary used the board’s full report to draft a summary table for DEP on the 10 substances that the board looked at in detail. The board provided input on the SAB report, the summary table and the executive summary and final drafts were circulated for comments from other interested parties.

Materials for this meeting were posted for board review following the Sep 1 deadline.  Later that week, comments were received from BASF; TURI reviewed them and followed up with BASF.  The materials were also added to the Lib Guide, in case board members had time to review them.  Minor edits were also made to the document, e.g. bolding of ‘draft’ Green Screen for DPHP and a note added that the GS draft was not validated.

The Board had no further comments on or changes to the phthalate ester documents; TURI will add some policy information requested by MassDEP and transmit the report to MassDEP.  The Program noted if additional items come in from industry they will be noted in Appendix E. 

Two policy lists were distributed so that the board could see the type of information being added by TURI. These included a “comprehensive” list of 75 phthalates (not all currently commercially available), and a table showing which phthalate esters are currently regulated or under study by governments.

MassDEP thanked the board and industry stakeholders for their input.

Upcoming SAB items
D5 cyclic siloxane was tabled by the SAB a few years ago – the manufacturer of D5 Greenearth dry cleaning fluid is encouraging the program to re-evaluate the substance in light of new information. The Board will move forward with evaluating any new information.

The EHS information for the SAB’s informational list of More Hazardous Chemicals (MHC) has been updated and will be shared with the Board at the next meeting.  TURA instructs the Administrative Council to first consider the MHC list for designation as Higher Hazard Substances (HHS).  The program has so far considered a short list of substances considered priorities by the board, and more recently, a short list considered priorities by the Advisory committee. The Council voted last year to designate dimethyl formamide, n propyl bromide, cyanide compounds, and hydrogen fluoride as HHS beginning 2016 reporting year. The program held an additional public comment period for toluene diisocyanates; those comments and responses will be submitted to the Council. 

Next Meeting
November 18, 2015 – 12:30 PM – Location TBA

•    TURI: Final draft of Phthalate Ester Document
•    TURI: Summary Table for 10 Selected Phthalate Esters for DEP
•    TURI: Phthalate Ester Science Sheet
•    TURI: List of Phthalate Esters with Carbon Chain Lengths
•    TURI: Policy and Regulatory Activity for Selected Phthalate Esters