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Engineered Nanoparticles: Safer Substitutes for Toxic Materials, or a New Hazard? 2011.

Nanotechnology has the potential for the development of new materials and processes that can substitute for toxic materials now used in industry. Excitement over this possibility is tempered, however, by the potential adverse environmental health and safety aspects of the new nanomaterials. Although a few examples from the literature are encouraging, e.g., wire and cable insulation, great care must be taken to perform complete alternatives assessment evaluations of any new nanotechnology enabled product before its adoption.   

Authors: M. Ellenbecker, C. Tsai

Ellenbecker, Michael, and Tsai, Candace. "Engineered Nanoparticles: Safer Substitutes for Toxic Materials, or a New Hazard?" Journal of Cleaner Production 19: 483-87.