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Hands-on Assistance Improves Pollution Prevention Services of TURI’s Lab. 2011.

In an attempt to improve the adoption rate of the work conducted at the Toxics Use Reduction Institute Lab, a more comprehensive on-site follow-up assistance program was implemented in 2006. The effort was piloted for trichloroethylene replacement in Rhode Island in conjunction with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 1. Through hands-on workshops and on-site assistance efforts, the TURI Lab project was able to achieve an 82% reduction in TCE in a two year period. This new methodology for on-site assistance follow-up to the preexisting TURI Lab testing program has been incorporated into the work the Lab conducts for companies in Massachusetts. The Lab had an implementation rate of around 30% without on-site assistance. During the first year of the new process, the adoption rate has jumped to 80% of all companies working with the lab.  

 Author: J. Marshall

Chapter published in Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 19, Issue 5